You Are Three Simple Steps Away.... ⏰


Make the Investment


Get Instant Access

As soon as you complete check-out, you recieve instant access to a downloadable PDF, with the pack.

Add Branding and Post!

Simply click the Canva links, add your logo, colors in 2 minutes and schedule to your social page. 

Get My Expert Pack Now!! 😈

You Are Three Simple Steps Away.... ⏰


Make the Investment


Get Instant Access

As soon as you complete check-out, you recieve instant access to a downloadable PDF, with the pack.

Add Branding and Post!

Simply click the Canva links, add your logo, colors in 2 minutes and schedule to your social page. 

Get My Expert Pack Now!! 😈

What is the Fat Loss Pack?

A loaded bundle of 100 ready-to-go social media posts, all focused on fat loss. This is an asset, designed by professionals, written by experts, to make your life as a coach easier and more efficient. Each post comes with 3 different designs, and a fully written caption 💪

I'm Ready to Be An Authority!

How Much is Your Time Worth?

Marketers say that it takes a content creator 1-6 hours to create one piece of content.

This means, on average, we invest 7-36 hours per week we spend on social media alone! Imagine if this bundle could give you an extra 7 hours of your time every week? That's almost a full day's of work you get to use to take on more clients and increase your revenue. Would that worth it to your business?   

I've shared some of the exact posts I used to get over 1,000+ likes on my content and grow my account to over 31,300+ followers! 

It's time to start treating your online presence like a business, because well... it is. And one that can really blow up your career like it did for me. Ready to get started? Click below. 


I'm Ready, Let's do this!

How Much is Your Time Worth?

Marketers say that it takes a content creator 1-6 hours to create one piece of content.

This means, on average, we invest 7-36 hours per week we spend on social media alone! Imagine if this bundle could give you an extra 7 hours of your time every week? That's almost a full day's of work you get to use to take on more clients and increase your revenue. Would that worth it to your business?   

I've shared some of the exact posts I used to get over 1,000+ likes on my content and grow my account to over 31,300+ followers! 

It's time to start treating your online presence like a business, because well... it is. And one that can really blow up your career like it did for me. Ready to get started? Click below. 


I'm Ready, Let's do this!

Every Design Comes with a Pre-written Caption

Here at Ubuntu, we believe in true automation. We also understand as an online coach your content needs to be evidence-based. This is especially crucial for those of us in the nutrition, health and fitness industry. Every piece of our content is hand-written by a nutrition expert with no less than a Master's Degree in Nutrition! 

I Want Em!

Your future with this pack...

Imagine removing content generation from your weekly to-do tasks. Where will you be able to dedicate those 5-10 hours? On the structure of your business? On your website? On your lead generation? What about your actual clients?

Spend More Time ON Your Business

Stop burning yourself out IN your business (social media, coaching, generating leads) and start working ON it (Expanding, automating, scaling).

Generate more leads

Trying to attract weight and fat loss clients? You will be speaking directly to these individuals with the posts in this pack. 

Flourishing and active community 

Posting once, or even twice every day will build trust and engagment with your audience! 

Don't Wait Another Minute! 

Once you've purchased the pack, you will instantly be granted access to all the designs in Canva! You are minutes away!  

I Don't Want to Wait!